
Are you living in western countries where you are concerned about the Quran education of your children? You don’t have to worry anymore, Online Kids Madrasa has the answer for all of your children’s Quran learning problems in form of one-on-one online Quran classes.

In the technologically advanced era and global world, the internet has turned out to be a solution for all of your problems regarding learning the Holy Quran.

There are multiple methods of learning Quran online. In this article, we will compare the advantages and disadvantages of two major methods.

One of the methods of learning Quran online is using Quran learning software while the other method is joining one-on-one online Quran classes with an online Quran teaching academy. The drawback of using online Quran learning software is that the pre-designed interface of the software and pre-loaded helping material isn’t customizable for your unique requirements and you don’t get a live tutor for real-time support.

On the other hand, imagine yourself or your kid taking one-on-one online Quran classes with highly qualified and experienced online Quran tutors from an online Quran teaching academy, like onlinequranmadrasa.com. This method is far better and more suitable than using Quran learning software because this learning approach is customizable based on the unique requirements of every student.

One-on-one online Quran classes offer you more convenience as you don’t have to travel to any place and you can learn Quran on your personalized timetable.

There are many other benefits of learning the Holy Quran through online Quran classes that you will miss if you are trying to learn Quran from Quran learning software.

Here we will discuss a few of them.

Personalized Learning Experience vs Standardized Learning Experience:

Every student has different strengths and weaknesses. Every student makes different kinds of mistakes and needs more focus on correcting those mistakes. Some students may have problems with Makharij or pronunciation, some may have problems with adopting the fluency in reading or some may have problems with adopting the Arabic accent. All in all, do all of them require a similar learning approach? A crisp answer is – No! Be it a child or a grown-up, every student requires a unique learning approach. This is the place where one-on-one personalized Quran classes prove to be useful.

The reason is the fact that in one-on-one online Quran classes, students always remain the center of attention. Since you have the complete attention of your tutor, it makes the learning environment more productive for you. The disadvantage of learning the Quran from software is that you don’t get the chance of utilizing a personalized learning approach. Rather you have to stick to a standard approach regardless of whether it’s suitable for you or not.

Interactive Environment vs Non-Interactive Environment

An interactive environment is a fundamental factor for Learning Quran. Continues interaction between student and tutor during the class helps the student learn more easily and quickly. Because in one-on-one online Quran classes, tutors keep the students motivated through fun exercises, tests, quizzes, intriguing questions, and interesting activities. Tutors adjust to your personalized learning styles, making it simple for you to learn Quran quickly and effectively.

On the other hand, Quran learning software simply offers learning material without an interactive environment. You don’t have a live tutor who can help you identify your mistakes. So, your mistakes remain mistakes.

Real-time Support for Fast Learning Experience

Quran learning software doesn’t offer any real-time support. Sometimes, you may have to spend days and weeks finding an answer to your question. Moreover, the authenticity of the material provided in Quran learning software is always questionable since you couldn’t say whether the data has been acquired from an authentic and legitimate source or not.

On the other hand, in a one-on-one online Quran learning approach, you can ask your questions in a split second whenever you have an inquiry and your tutor will explain the answer to you with authentic knowledge. Consequently, this methodology makes the learning experience fast, smooth, and reliable.

Keeping Consistent and On Track

It is not difficult to download a Quran learning software and start to learn. However, keeping yourself consistent and on track is the real challenge. It needs real devotion and self-discipline. A very small number of students are fit for maintaining such consistency and devotion but for the rest, it becomes too difficult to stay motivated enough on their own without the interference of an experienced tutor.

On the other hand one-on-one online Quran classes, in general, keep you consistent and on track. The experienced tutors know the art of making Quran classes more interesting and attractive for students.

Interpretation and Explanation – The Real Objective of Learning

The Holy Quran is the manuscript of guidance for Muslims all over the world. The real objective of learning Quran is not just being able to read it, rather it’s to understand the real message of Allah. Only a qualified tutor in a one-on-one Quran class can assist you with learning the real interpretation and explanation of the Quran in your own language and comprehend it. So that you can fulfill the ultimate objective of learning the Holy Quran.

The Quran tutor can associate the teachings of the Holy Quran with your real-life situations in a manner that can improve your activities and actions as a Muslim. On the other hand, no such possibility is available for you if you are learning from software on your own.

Real-time Feedback from Tutor

Just like any other software, Quran learning software are based on pre-designed parameters. They use pre-designed methods for judging the performance of a learner. Bad grades on these tests can cause significant demotivation for new learners.

On the flip side, experienced tutors in one-on-one online Quran classes not only consider the results but also give due appreciation to your efforts. In case of weak results, your tutor will encourage you with inspirational verbal statements and real-time feedback. Hence, it triggers good sentiments in your mind, keeping your motivation alive to accomplish your objectives.


Till now, the aforementioned comparison of both methods must have cleared the picture for you to adopt one-on-one online Quran classes for learning Quran. But, you might think that it is difficult to find a trustworthy online Quran teaching academy.

So, in the end, we will recommend you to join onlinekidsmadrasa.com. The online Kids Madrasa has well-qualified and experienced Quran tutors. This Online Quran academy offers its services all over the world. The academy offers many courses, like Basic Quran Reading, Learning Quran with Tajweed, Quranic Arabic, Quranic Tafseer, basic and advanced Islamic courses, and many more.

You can register/ sign up today to avail free trial lessons with live qualified male and female teachers.